Disclaimer: This is NOT due to a lame New Year's resolution.
However, I am coincidentally back to blogging thanks to the mister. It's actually amazing how torturous it can be to go months without wi-fi. Yes....I realize how nerdy that sounds.
So, in order to embrace the cliche....let's talk resolutions.
As I've said before, I'm not one to make resolutions just because it's the start of a new year. I am, however, a goal setter. My goals for this year? Well, besides the ever so popular "workout until my eyes bleed & swear off all solid foods until I lose 452 lbs" resolution, I have a few more attainable goals.
Read more books. -- I actually love to read. Unfortunately, there is a part of me that never makes time to sit down and enjoy a good book. Shameful, I know. I have a stack next my bed just waiting to be read...and I will do just that.
Improve my guitar chops. -- Yeah, I've been playing around for years. I think it's about time that improve on my theory and all-around skills. Actually, I started my first official "lesson" yesterday. This time next year I will be wielding the skills comparable to Rodrigo y Gabriela. Not sure how good that is? Check them out here.
Become a "super cleaning fairy." -- Yes, I am OCD. Although I enjoy organizing and keeping my house clean, I want to create a schedule for my "chores" and stick with it. I see it more as time management. How exciting.
I usually just stick to three goals each year. Seems realistic & attainable. We'll just have to wait and see how it all works out. I will, however, be sure to blog my little heart out as long as I have wi-fi here in the Dodd house.
Here's to 2011! :]

1 comment:
Happy New Year! glad your back! I fell off the wagon just due to laziness but I got busy with my photography bla bla bla.. no excuses.. im gonna blog more this year! love ya girl!! p.s. love my macbook!
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