I think birthdays are important, especially considering the condition of those who no longer have them. While turning 31 may be bringing me to the realization that I am now in my thirties, I still enjoy the festivities.
Still, I realize that I'm getting older. This is the oldest I've ever been.
This is what thirty-one years looks like.
While I am thankful that the chili bowl phase is gone, I'm still a bit weary of being older.
Since turning 30 last year, I have celebrated birth weeks rather than birthdays. This is a brilliant tradition in my opinion. This year, I awoke like a child on Christmas morning. Bright-eyed & bushy-tailed. It was all for good reason. This has been an amazing birth week.
It all started when I arrived to work that morning. My co-workers may have had something to do with this.
The day also included:
*Asian-themed potluck
*Hostess Ding Dong birthday cake
*Homemade Chocolate Chip cookies from my "California Grandmother"
I was also given this amazing cupcake by a co-worker.
And....my "California brother" Matt gave me something amazing. No clue what it's called, but I like to call it "Yummy Coconutty Ice Cream Goodness."
Also, what makes a great present for me? Ninja Turtles. (I'm a nerd.)
That night, we hit up Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends and my birthday twin, Tim.
My TWO sides of Asian Zing. :]
Saturday was the best day ever. I started the day with a girls' day in San Francisco with Jeni, Cressie & Danielle.
I LOVE to spend time near the water. Cressie, our amazing chaffuer, was nice enough to let me spend most of our day there. Bath houses. Beaches. Golden Gate. Great food. Amazing day!
Cressie Bob.
...frustration with the wind.
Danielle's a ballerina.
Hook'em Horns!
...and finally a stop at one of our favorite spots in San Fran. Best cream puffs in the WORLD!
We left San Francisco in time to get back to the Dodd house for the Nerdy Shirt Thirty1 party.
Finally....the best birthday present award goes to my AMAZING friend, Jo Tingin.
A stylophone beatbox!!
So far, 31 is looking pretty grand.

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