Do remember Christmas Eve nights as a kid? I know that I remember being so excited to the point of complete insomnia...
Well, I'm at that point now and it's not even Christmas.
I must admit that joyous excitement and energetic squeals are not quite a rarity in my day-to-day routine. ADHD plays a big part in that. ;)
Still I continue to be extremely excited about what is to come.
Truth is, I have no clue what's coming. That's the funny thing. I just see things through faith and know that amazing things are in store.
Of course, most people know that our relocation to California nearly two years ago was quite the adventure. We were definitely led here. It seems like things are finally falling into place after two years of complete trust in God.
A lot of this sudden burst of excitement can be attributed to Jeremy and I being asked to join the CREED staff at CLC. Wow. What an honor to even be considered....and then to be entrusted with such responsibility. I can't begin to describe the feeling of anticipation. I know God is going to do awesome things under the new leadership of Micah & Jasmin Johnson. They are an amazing couple!
CREED is not a program but rather a community – an open circle of friends that is always growing larger and getting stronger. How exciting to be considered a "leader" in such an awesome work. I'm humbled.
So look forward to a bunch of CREED awesomeness to be included in future posts. :) Check out the CREED blog here.
Stay tuned....

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