

I've been so busy lately that I have neglected my blog. While I would like to have a better excuse other than school and work. I don't. It seems that's all I have time for lately, and when I do have time...writer's block sets in on my tired little mind.

In other news, I have received a prestigious award! Well, maybe not prestigious...but I'm honored nonetheless.

The student body voted on our superlatives and they were announced at the Valentine's Banquet. I won, I won!! =]

They love me....they really love me!! We had a great night at the banquet. Fun times! So, sorry for such a low-key post. Not exactly what you're used to. You can expect me to come back strong next time. Deal?

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Best personality? You? Are they kidding!?! ;op

Sorry I missed meeting you at Landmark! I hope we can meet SOOOON!